Confidence and Self-Esteem

Transformed Life: Overcoming Self-Esteem Issues

Transformed Life: Overcoming Self-Esteem Issues

A.K. 38, New Zealand, Confidence and Self-esteem

"I was struggling with self-esteem and confidence issues, constantly feeling judged by others. It was holding me back both personally and professionally, and I knew I needed a change.

Little did I know that the RTT session would exceed my expectations by far. It was an absolutely fantastic experience that blew me away.

Throughout the session, Diederika made me feel incredibly at ease. Her empathy and compassion were unparalleled, creating a safe space for me to explore and heal.

Since the session, my life has transformed in remarkable ways. I now carry a newfound confidence, freely speaking my truth without seeking external validation. 

As an RTT therapist, Diederika is truly phenomenal. RTT is the easy path to reclaiming your power, breaking free from limitations, and living a limitless life.”

Empowering Testimonial: Healing Imposter Syndrome with RTT Therapy

Empowering Testimonial: Healing Imposter Syndrome with RTT Therapy

Natasa, 36, Europe, Imposter Syndrome  

“I was struggling with imposter syndrome when I reached up to Diederika. I needed to overcome this issue because I was not able to enjoy anything. The feeling of being an imposter, a fake was so strong that I was giving up to every idea that was coming to me. My constant motto was "Who do I think I am to do this? I'm nobody. I will never succeed in anything."

So in order to move on in my life, I needed to change something, otherwise I would just watch my life passing by with me doing nothing but pity myself.

I read about Diederika and how she can help with the issue I had.

The session was very profound and revealing. 

The most valuable moment was when I realized WHY I feel like an imposter. That moment shifted something in me that I know I will never go back there. I will not feel like that anymore, and if I do, I know exactly where to tap to get out of it. I can't thank Diederika enough.

Listening to the personalized recording I received from Diederika, my inner dialogue with myself changed. I am more kind to myself, more understanding to my feelings. 

The whole package worked wonders for me. I couldn't be more thankful. I only wish more people to come to you to liberate them from their own burden and be free and enjoy life”.

Testimonial NLP - Struggles at work

Testimonial NLP - Struggles at work

Anonymous, 30, Europe, Struggles at Work, NLP sessions  

I contacted Diederika after having some struggles in the workplace. These struggles made me feel very down and I was not able to enjoy my work anymore. Thanks to Diederika, I am able to see difficult situations in another light and understand not only myself better but also the other person who I have difficulties with. Diederika is very straightforward and makes you think of your actions with the assignments and tools she gives. She helps you get through the assignments she gives you, to practice in real life, if you don’t understand or get stuck.

I am grateful for the results and the insight I got through the NLP sessions.  

Testimonial NLP - Build up Insecurity

Testimonial NLP - Build up  Insecurity

I., 34, Europe, Build up Insecurity, NLP Sessions

I have experienced the NLP sessions as very pleasant. Due to the necessary events from my past, I have built up a certain insecure feeling. This also made it difficult for me to trust people.

By going deeper into the past with Diederika and to the core of the problem, I was able to tackle this quickly with her cooperation. During the sessions, she asked the same questions several times, which really made me think about certain things. I found out that I actually already knew the answer to my questions. Still, I needed the final push from her.

She listened very well and gave me good tips and assignments that I could really use.

I would definitely recommend her given that after a few tough sessions, everything became a lot clearer to me, where and what the problem was.

Thanks to the sessions and Diederika's good knowledge, I was able to close a certain stumbling block from my past. My thanks for that.